What is the EUDR Timeline?
Key Dates
Applies to all products placed on the EU market after December 30, 2024 (For SMEs: June 30, 2025)
Applies to all wood harvested from June 29, 2023 onward
Cut-off date for deforestation: 31 December 2020

The timeline of the new Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 (EUDR) with different dates of application for large companies and SMES [2]
How will the EU Deforestation Regulation be enforced?
Companies that fall within the scope of the regulation will be monitored by enforcing authorities and held accountable for noncompliance. As part of the regulation’s due diligence process, companies must submit a statement containing essential information for monitoring compliance, including the geographical coordinates of where the commodities were grown. This strict traceability enables enforcement authorities to verify the validity of sustainable sourcing. [1]
Although the EUDR is in force, operators and traders have until December 30th of 2024 to implement the new rules and due diligence process. Micro and small enterprises have a longer grace period and are not required to comply until June 30th of 2025. [1]
What is the cut-off date ?
The cut-off date of the new EU Deforestation Regulation tries to ensure that goods do not result from recent (post 31 December 2020) deforestation, forest degradation or breaches of local environmental and social laws. This applies to all companies trading in cattle, cocoa, coffee, oil palm, rubber, soya and wood, as well as products derived from these commodities. It requires those companies to conduct extensive diligence on the value chain. Companies should consider the impact of the EUDR on their supply chain due diligence as soon as possible to prepare for the new obligations that apply from 30 December 2024. [3]
What happens after the application date ?
Companies still have 18 months (24 months for SMEs) time to implement the necessary steps to comply with the new regulations. But what happens after that time? From 30 December 2024 ( 30 June 2025 for SMEs) onward, it will be prohibited to place relevant products on the EU market, or export them from the EU, unless they are:
produced in accordance with the relevant legislation of the country of production; andcovered by a due diligence statement indicating no more than a
negligible risk of non-compliance [3]
How can I track the deadlines for my due diligence?
The Remos platform provide you with an easy step by step guidance on how to implement a Due Diligence System (DDS) for the new EU Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR). All deadlines and dates are automatically checked. Remos informs you when any of your workflows are touched by the EUDR cutoff dates and deadlines. The platform seamlessly integrates in your ERP system and allows you to monitor your whole supply chain. We support you in fulfilling the main regulatory obligations of providing access to the relevant information, risk assessment and risk mitigation for all of your orders and suppliers.
[1] https://blog.sourceintelligence.com/what-is-the-eu-deforestation-regulation-eudr
[2] Emmanuel Groutel, Wale and Caroline Duhesme, Secretary of the ATIBT Certification Commission
[3] https://www.whitecase.com/insight-alert/10-key-things-know-about-new-eu-deforestation-regulation